The New Stack Podcast

VMware’s Golden Path

Episode Summary

In an era marked by complexity, the golden path is essential for software architects, asserts James Watters, senior director of R&D at VMware Tanzu, Broadcom. This approach, emphasizing fewer application patterns, simplifies life for security personnel, developers, and infrastructure teams. VMware defines the golden path as streamlining software development, crucial in today's economic climate. Watters highlights this in the Broadcom report: State of Cloud Native App Platforms 2024, noting that 55% of organizations favor this method for its consistency and security.

Episode Notes

In an era marked by complexity, the golden path is essential for software architects, asserts James Watters, senior director of R&D at VMware Tanzu, Broadcom. This approach, emphasizing fewer application patterns, simplifies life for security personnel, developers, and infrastructure teams. VMware defines the golden path as streamlining software development, crucial in today's economic climate. Watters highlights this in the Broadcom report: State of Cloud Native App Platforms 2024, noting that 55% of organizations favor this method for its consistency and security. 

Watters, a pioneer in platform as a service since 2009, helped establish Cloud Foundry and now drives VMware Tanzu. Tanzu's golden operations offer standardized, consistent processes across platforms, crucial for efficiency and security. Watters advocates for minimal DIY in favor of operational consistency, providing commands for building, deploying, and scaling applications. 

Tanzu’s focus is on integrating AI to enhance user interfaces and data access, impacting platform engineering significantly in the coming years. This integration aims to offer a better developer experience while maintaining security and efficiency. 

Learn more from The New Stack about golden paths: 

Golden Paths Start with a Shift Left 

Platform Engineering Not Working Out? You’re Doing It Wrong. 

How to Pave Golden Paths That Actually Go Somewhere 


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