The New Stack Podcast

The Container Landscape's Maturity Evident in {code} Storage Projects

Episode Summary

Clint Kitson is technical director for the {code} open source initiative. We caught up with Clint for a live at the 2017 Software Circus, where we asked about the maturing of container technologies and how that fits with {code}, its outreach and the work it is doing to make Rex-Ray integrate with different storage environments. Rex-Ray now interoperates with the  Container Storage Interface, Kubernetes and OpenShift, Docker as well as Apache Mesos. Rex-Ray offers a storage integration with various environments including Dell, Amazon and Red Hat Ceph. Watch on Periscope:

Episode Notes

Clint Kitson is technical director for the {code} open source initiative. We caught up with Clint for a live at the 2017 Software Circus, where we asked about the maturing of container technologies and how that fits with {code}, its outreach and the work it is doing to make Rex-Ray integrate with different storage environments. Rex-Ray now interoperates with the  Container Storage Interface, Kubernetes and OpenShift, Docker as well as Apache Mesos. Rex-Ray offers a storage integration with various environments including Dell, Amazon and Red Hat Ceph.

Watch on Periscope: