The New Stack Podcast

Open To Collaborate: OpenStack Goes Back To Its Roots

Episode Summary

Change is the only constant. OpenStack continues to change. It continues to evolve. From Integrated releases to Big Tent to Composability. This year at the OpenStack Summit Sydney, the OpenStack Foundation executive director Jonathan Bryce, talked about the importance of Open and Collaboration. What has changed in the market that the OpenStack community needed to address these two key points? Interestingly, Bryce said that they really never talked about what ‘open’ and ‘stack’ mean in the name of the project. As OpenStack grows in popularity and adoption it’s becoming increasingly important to reflect on the last five years of the project and look at the key attributes. OpenStack is no longer an experiment, it’s powering massive private and public clouds around the globe, it’s powering services like WeChat, that serve over a billion users in China. Watch on YouTube:

Episode Notes

Change is the only constant.

OpenStack continues to change. It continues to evolve. From Integrated releases to Big Tent to Composability. This year at the OpenStack Summit Sydney, the OpenStack Foundation executive director Jonathan Bryce, talked about the importance of Open and Collaboration.

What has changed in the market that the OpenStack community needed to address these two key points?

Interestingly, Bryce said that they really never talked about what ‘open’ and ‘stack’ mean in the name of the project. As OpenStack grows in popularity and adoption it’s becoming increasingly important to reflect on the last five years of the project and look at the key attributes.

OpenStack is no longer an experiment, it’s powering massive private and public clouds around the globe, it’s powering services like WeChat, that serve over a billion users in China.

Watch on YouTube: