The New Stack Podcast

Matthew Campbell, InfluxDB: How to Keep Wall Street Chatting Using Go

Episode Summary

In this talk out of last month's Gophercon India, Matthew Campbell, co-founder of Errplane (now open source metrics and analytics start-up InfluxDB), speaks about his experiences in switching over to Go, monitoring large-scale Go servers and how one can build a fully distributed project on a large platform using remote teams. Based out of New York and Bangkok, Campbell, a former Rails developer who helped build projects like Bloomberg, recounts how he decided to start using Go in a project with Thomson Reuters, rebuilding their instant messaging platform for stock traders, which was originally written in Java and C++.

Episode Notes

In this talk out of last month's Gophercon India, Matthew Campbell, co-founder of Errplane (now open source metrics and analytics start-up InfluxDB), speaks about his experiences in switching over to Go, monitoring large-scale Go servers and how one can build a fully distributed project on a large platform using remote teams.

Based out of New York and Bangkok, Campbell, a former Rails developer who helped build projects like Bloomberg, recounts how he decided to start using Go in a project with Thomson Reuters, rebuilding their instant messaging platform for stock traders, which was originally written in Java and C++.