The New Stack Podcast

Managing Infrastructure Through Policy Enablement

Episode Summary

On this episode of The New Stack Makers, TNS Editor-in-Chief Alex Williams sits down with Chris Aniszczyk, COO of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and Torin Sandall, a Software Engineer at Styra, to discuss how the Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a secure, simple, and compliant way to manage services. "From a CNCF perspective, policy was a missing piece within our cloud native landscape," Aniszczyk explained, discussing why the Foundation on-boarded OPA. Policy's continued evolution within microservices is a point of note, with developers having to think about how they monitor and architect policies themselves. Sandall explained that OPA gives you an engine to enforce policies across environments, which is beneficial to service administrators, platform engineering teams, and those running large authorization platforms such as Netflix's security team. Watch on YouTube:

Episode Notes

On this episode of The New Stack Makers, TNS Editor-in-Chief Alex Williams sits down with Chris Aniszczyk, COO of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and Torin Sandall, a Software Engineer at Styra, to discuss how the Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a secure, simple, and compliant way to manage services.

"From a CNCF perspective, policy was a missing piece within our cloud native landscape," Aniszczyk explained, discussing why the Foundation on-boarded OPA.

Policy's continued evolution within microservices is a point of note, with developers having to think about how they monitor and architect policies themselves. Sandall explained that OPA gives you an engine to enforce policies across environments, which is beneficial to service administrators, platform engineering teams, and those running large authorization platforms such as Netflix's security team.

Watch on YouTube: