The New Stack Podcast

Kubernetes Goes Mainstream? With Calico, Yes

Episode Summary

The Kubernetes landscape is shifting from the domain of visionaries and early adopters to a more mainstream audience. TNS host Alex Williams discusses this evolution with Ratan Tipirneni, CEO of Tigera, at KubeCon.

Episode Notes

The Kubernetes landscape is evolving, shifting from the domain of visionaries and early adopters to a more mainstream audience. Tigera, represented by CEO Ratan Tipirneni at KubeCon North America in Chicago, recognizes the changing dynamics and the demand for simplified Kubernetes solutions. Tigera's open-source Calico security platform has been updated with a focus on mainstream users, presenting a cohesive and user-friendly solution. This update encompasses five key capabilities: vulnerability scoring, configuration hardening, runtime security, network security, and observability.

The aim is to provide users with a comprehensive view of their cluster's security through a zero to 100 scoring system, tracked over time. Tigera's recommendation engine suggests actions to enhance overall security based on the risk profile, evaluating factors such as egress traffic controls and workload isolation within dynamic Kubernetes environments. Tigera emphasizes the importance of understanding the actual flow of data across the network, using empirical data and observed behavior to build accurate security measures rather than relying on projections. This approach addresses the evolving needs of customers who seek not just vulnerability scores but insights into runtime behavior for a more robust security profile.

Learn more from The New Stack about Tigera and Cloud Native Security:

Cloud Native Network Security: Who’s Responsible?

Turbocharging Host Workloads with Calico eBPF and XDP

3 Observability Best Practices for Cloud Native App Security