The New Stack Podcast

A Software Engineer VP Learned She Loved Coding On A BBC Microcomputer

Episode Summary

Many, if not most people, discover their life calling at a very young age. In the software engineering space, those with decades of experience who came of age in the 1980s and 1990s learned they loved to code often got their start programming in BASIC in grade school or junior high. Anouska Streets, vice president of engineering, at Fiserv, is yet another example of someone lucky enough to have had access to a PC while growing decades ago. In her case, it was a school BBC microcomputer made available to the students of her school when she was 11 while in the UK. Watch on YouTube:

Episode Notes

Many, if not most people, discover their life calling at a very young age. In the software engineering space, those with decades of experience who came of age in the 1980s and 1990s learned they loved to code often got their start programming in BASIC in grade school or junior high.

Anouska Streets, vice president of engineering, at Fiserv, is yet another example of someone lucky enough to have had access to a PC while growing decades ago. In her case, it was a school BBC microcomputer made available to the students of her school when she was 11 while in the UK.

Watch on YouTube: