This week, we’re talking with Toby Fee, community developer at serverless software provider Stackery, about how to apply the principles of the 12-factor application model to serverless apps. In the second half of the show, we spoke with Roman Swoszowski, vice president of cloud research and development at Grape Up, about this week's Cloud Foundry Summit, in Philadelphia. Fee has been writing a series of posts for us over the past few weeks that explores each of the principles in the 12-factor application through a serverless lens. She writes: No two serverless apps are identical, and the design decisions you make greatly affect how hard or easy you make your developers’ lives. Serverless should be a choice that makes the dev experience easier not more difficult, following these guides can help.In the second half of the podcast, we discuss the Cloud Foundry Summit.
This week, we’re talking with Toby Fee, community developer at serverless software provider Stackery, about how to apply the principles of the 12-factor application model to serverless apps.
In the second half of the show, we spoke with Roman Swoszowski, vice president of cloud research and development at Grape Up, about this week's Cloud Foundry Summit, in Philadelphia. Fee has been writing a series of posts for us over the past few weeks that explores each of the principles in the 12-factor application through a serverless lens. She writes: No two serverless apps are identical, and the design decisions you make greatly affect how hard or easy you make your developers’ lives. Serverless should be a choice that makes the dev experience easier not more difficult, following these guides can help.In the second half of the podcast, we discuss the Cloud Foundry Summit.